On the child

"Our image of the child is rich in potential, strong, powerful, competent and, most of all, connected to adults and other children." [loris malaguzzi]


I am an early childhood educator, atelierista (for simplicity's sake, a Reggio-inspired studio teacher), consultant, teacher trainer and wanna-be writer. I received a Master's in Child Development from Mills College in 1999, and have worked in a variety of setting and capacities in the field of education since then.

My teaching philosophy and practice are influenced by a 15+ year (so far) study of the Reggio Emilia Approach; the work of ECE colleagues in Pistoia, Italy; lots of bits of Waldorf and Montessori education; reflective teaching practices as written about by Margie Carter and Deb Curtis; constructivism and good old friends Piaget and Vygotsky (where would I be without my own Zone of Proximal Development!); and the innovative and dedicated practitioners, thinkers and artists I have encountered along the way.

I am bicultural and bilingual - having spent my childhood in Italy (my father's homeland) and my teen-hood and young adulthood in the US in Virginia (where my mother hails from.)  Since 1996, I have been living in Northern California, where I am re-discovering myself.

I thrive and long for creative thought and action; authenticity and reciprocity; cultivating my gumption and finding my bliss.

I (and this blog) am a work in progress.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, even if you are just stopping by.

- Your Agent Provocateur

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