On the child

"Our image of the child is rich in potential, strong, powerful, competent and, most of all, connected to adults and other children." [loris malaguzzi]

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Today my in box brought a new blog entry from a new favorite called Wonder Love: Nurturing a Sense of Wonder which you should be able to follow or sign-up for at http://wonderlove.typepad.com. The blog landing page carries this thought-provoking and inspirational quote, which coincidentally names two of my heroes: DH Lawrence and Rachel Carson. 

Read on:

"D.H. Lawrence once said that 'Water is H2O, hydrogen two parts, oxygen one, but there is also a third thing that makes it water and nobody knows what it is.' It is magic, the kind that can only be found in nature, life, and human possibilities once we are open to them. The kind of education I have in mind takes young people out of the classroom to encounter the mystery of the third thing. In that encounter they discover what Rachel Carson once called the 'sense of wonder.' And that is the start of a real education. "

- David Orr [ Paul Sears Distinguished Professor of Environmental Studies and Politics and Chair of the Environmental Studies Program at Oberlin College]

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